Diplomová práca

Early stage detection of cyber attacks

Detekcia prvotných fáz kybernetických útokov

Vedúci práce: RNDr. JUDr. Pavol Sokol PhD.
Konzultant: RNDr. Tomáš Bajtoš

Ciele EN

1. Analysis, comparison, and processing of the current approaches to cyber attacks modeling
2. Creating a model data set from the security events
3. Design, implementation, and evaluation of the model for early-stage detection of cyber attack

Ciele SK

1. Analýza, porovnanie a spracovanie aktuálnych prístupov k modelovaniu kybernetických útokov
2. Vytvorenie modelovej dátovej sady z bezpečnostných udalostí
3. Návrh, implementácia a vyhodnotenie modelu na detekciu prvotných fázach kybernetických útokov


1. SHOSTACK, Adam. Threat modeling: Designing for security. John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
2. UCEDAVELEZ, Tony; MORANA, Marco M. Risk Centric Threat Modeling: Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
3. YAN, Xiaohua; ZHANG, Joy Ying. Early detection of cyber security threats using structured behavior modeling. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, 2013.
4. ERTAUL, Levent; MOUSA, Mina. Applying the Kill Chain and Diamond Models to Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics. 2018
5. HUTCHINS, Eric M.; CLOPPERT, Michael J.; AMIN, Rohan M. Intelligence-driven computer network defense informed by analysis of adversary campaigns and intrusion kill chains. Leading Issues in Information Warfare & Security Research, 2011, 1.1: 80.